

24-25 September, 2018

CNRS Headquarters, Paris, France

Provisional Programme


24th September (Monday)


Registration: 08:00–09:30hrs






09:30-10:00 hrs

Inaugural Session




By Antoine Petit, CNRS President



Presidential Speech:

By Mme. Frédérique Vidal, Hon’ble Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Govt. of France (tbc)



10:00 -10:30 hrs



 Introduction Speakers:

1) Mme. Laurence AUER, French Co-Chair of CEFIPRA, Ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères, Paris, Govt. of France


2) Vijayalakshmi Raveendranath, Director, Centre for Brain Research, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


10:30-10:40 hrs

Vote of Thanks:

Mukesh Kumar, Director, CEFIPRA


10:40 -11:20hrs



Plenary Speaker n°1 :

Francoise Combes, Professor at Collège de France, Chaire Galaxies & Cosmology, Member of Académie des Sciences, Observatoire de Paris (LERMA)

 Galaxy formation and evolution


11:20 – 12:50 hrs



Panel: 1 Nature and extent of gender inequality in the scientific profession

  • General overview and draw up of Indian and French situations
  • Gender related unconscious bias

Chairs/Moderators of the Panel: Rohini Godbole, Vice President, National Academy of Sciences, Chair, WiS panel of the Indian National Science Academy, Professor, Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

& Martina Knoop, Representative of the Institute of Physics (INP), CNRS, in charge of interdisciplinary science & scientific information and Co-President of the CNRS Committee on Gender Equality

1) Claudine Hermann, President of the European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS), Ecole Polytechnique

2) Suchetana Chatterjee Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata

3) Catherine Dargemont, research directorLaboratory of Pathology and Molecular Virology, INSERM U944, CNRS UMR7212,Institut Universitaire d'Hématologie, Paris

4) Neena Valecha, Director, National Institute of Malaria Research, ICMR, New Delhi






2:00pm -2:40 hrs



 Plenary Speaker n°2 :

Sangamitra Bandopadhyay, Professor, Machine Intelligence Unit and Director, Indian Statistical Institute,Kolkatta

 “Bioinformatics Research at Indian Statistical Institute: computational insights on genome biology, regulatory networks and drug design”


2:45 -3:30 hrs



Scientific Keynote Speakers:

1) Virginie Molle (Micro Biology/Young Researcher), Head of "Post-translational regulation of proteins and bacterial pathogenicity" group, Dynamique des Interactions Membranaires, UMR 5235, CNRS-Universite de Montpellier II, Montpellier

"TB or not TB"

2) Gitanjali Yadav, Scientist, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi

"The Un-Stillness of Scientific Curiosity: Transition from Scholar to Group Leader"


3:30 – 3:45

Tea break


3:45 – 5:15 hrs


Panel  2: How to attract young women to scientific careers?

Chairs/Moderators of the Panel: 
Usha Vijayraghavan, Professor and Chair, Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

& Dominique Chandesris , research director at CNRS, French Physics Society (SFP)

1) Mythily Ramaswamy Professor,T.I.F.R Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore

2) Emmanuel Royer, Deputy of Department of Mathematics, CNRS and co-President of the CNRS committee for gender equality

3) Vandana Singh, Scientist, KIRAN, Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi 

4) Marion Langlois (engineer, Elles Bougent, association for the promotion of women in STEM studies)


Discussion/Debate Discussion/Debate

5:15 pm to 6 pm poster presentation


25th September (Tuesday)


9:00 -9H45 hrs



Plenary Speaker n°3

Angela Giangrande, Directeur de Recherche CNRS, IGBMC, Strasbourg

“When science flies”


9H45 -10H30 hrs



Scientific Keynote Speakers:

Maitrayee Dasgupta, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, Kolkata

“Challenges in extending symbiotic nitrogen fixation beyond current host range”

Carole Duboc, Senior researcher, Department of Molecular Chemistry, University of Grenoble

"Bio-inspired bubbles"


10:30 – 10:50

Tea break


10:50 –12:20 hrs



Panel  3: Gender equality plans and policies


Chairs/Moderators of the Panel: Tanusri Saha Dasgupta, Senior Professor & S N Bose Chair ,Head, Centre for Mathematical, Computational and Data Science, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata

& Elisabeth Kohler (director of CNRS Women mission)


1)  Beatrice Noël (département des politiques d’égalité pour l’ESR)

2)  B K Anitha, Dean and Professor, School of Sciences, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Koltaka

3)  Dörthe Nickel, Curie Institute, LIBRA Project

4)  Mukesh Kumar, Director, CEFIPRA on CEFIPRA’s data




2:00 -3:15 hrs



 Coffee and poster

(to be coordinated by 4 coordinators)



3:15 -4:00 hrs



 Plenary Speaker n°4

Rohini Godbole, Vice President, National Academy of Sciences, Chair, WiS panel of the Indian National Science Academy, Professor, Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

“Quo vadis colliders ?”


4:00 – 5:00


To be coordinated by 4 Coordinators & Director, CEFIPRA


Vote of Thanks: by CNRS representative (tbc)


Organisation Committee:

Usha Vijayraghavan, Chair of Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, IIS Bangalore, Member of CEFIRA Scientific Council

Tanusri Saha Dasgupta, Chair of Centre for Mathematical, Computational and Data Science, IACS, Kolkata,Member of CEFIRA Scientific Council

Giancarlo Faini, Chair of C2N, CNRS-Univ. Paris Saclay,  Member of CEFIRA Scientific Council

Anne Imberty, Chair of CERMAV, CNRS, Grenoble, Member of CEFIRA Scientific Council

Srini V. Kaveri, Director, CNRS Office in India, Embassy of France

Elisabeth Kohler, Director of Mission pour la Place des Femmes au CNRS

Mathieu Arbogast, Project Manager, Mission pour la Place des Femmes au CNRS

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